
Play Games With the Magpies at Gen Con 50!
It’s a big year for Gen Con, and a big year for Magpie Games as well! For the first time all of our games will be consolidated in one room, and we’ll have hosts to direct you to your games...
RinCon 2017 Recap
Mark and Brendan went out to RinCon 2017 between September 29 and October 1, and they had an awesome experience meeting people, playing games, and fighting gazebos! RinCon is in Tucson, Arizona, and features a combination of board games and...
Magpies Landing At Origins Game Fair
The Magpie crew will be at Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio from June 14th to 18th, and we hope to see you there! Make sure to stop by the IGDN booth to say hi to Marissa (as well as...
PAX Prime 2012
First time at Pax Prime! Mark and I had a wonderful time in Seattle for PAX Prime. We walked the exhibit halls a couple times, but primarily spent our time at Games on Demand running and playing games. Dungeon World...
See us at RINCON 2012
Special Guests @ RinCon 2012 Headed to the SouthWest this September?... Mark and I will be special guests at Arizona's Rin Con the weekend of the 28th! We are honored to be invited to RinCon and will be on a...
GenCon 2012 with the IGDN
GenCon 2012 This was the first year that Magpie Games was an exhibitor at GenCon! Thanks to the combined efforts of the IGDN, we were able to get a booth and put The Play's the Thing, By No Means Vulger,...
GenCon Events for Magpie Games
Hey folks! For those of you headed to GenCon next week (it's soooo soon!), we have an exciting announcement. Magpie Games will be hosting over thirty hours of scheduled Magpie Games' gaming at the Games on Demand room at GenCon!...
Magpie Games at PAX East 2012
Preparing for Gaming! While we won't have a booth at PAX East this year, Magpie Games is helping out at the Games on Demand room. We'll be STing all kinds of games, including The Play's The Thing and Eternity, from...
RINCON 2012 was a blast! Thursday night Mark and I flew in to Tucson where Matt Nielson was nice enough to pick us up and take us to the Hotel. Before bed we scoped out the lovely con space and...