The Magpie crew will be at Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio from June 14th to 18th, and we hope to see you there!
Make sure to stop by the IGDN booth to say hi to Marissa (as well as check out our newest releases, like the Deck of Influence and Deck of Villainy), while Brendan, Mark, and Sarah will be GMing over at Games On Demand. All three of them will be running Velvet Glove, one of the games we currently have in development.
In Velvet Glove you play a teenage girl in a gang on the streets of 1970’s America. This Powered by the Apocalypse game has drugs to be used, crime to be done, and sex to be had—if you’re willing to pay the price. But don’t worry - your girls have your back. You can read more about it here, and make sure to check out the ashcan version.
To celebrate so much girl gang goodness, we offer the following name generator for your amusement. What's the name of your gang? What kind of crime do you do? What's your turf?

Tweet your gang's name to @MagpieOfficial, and make sure to tag it as #summerofgirlgangs, or leave it as a comment below. We'd love to see what you come up with!
If you won’t be at Origins, you’ll be able to catch Brendan and Sarah at DexCon in July, or the whole crew will be at GenCon in August.
While DexCon’s official schedule isn’t up yet, the Indie Games Explosion schedule for Dexcon is right here. Brendan will be running Masks: A New Generation as well as playtesting his new game, Armored Society, where Game of Thrones meets Pride and Prejudice. He'll also be running Magpie's upcoming undead project, ZombieWorld, while Sarah will be running some more Velvet Glove as well as getting her undead fun on with The Cold Ruins of Lastlife.
You can find our games at GenCon at this link:, where we'll be running
Urban Shadows,
Bluebeard's Bride,
Masks: A New Generation, and
The Green Law of Varkith. We have only a few seats left, so make sure to sign up now! You'll also find us at the IGDN booth, number 2437, with our current games, and (fingers crossed) maybe some new releases.
We'll be going to a few other conventions this fall, but summer is prime convention season. We can't wait to play games with so many great people, talk about games on panels and at our booth, and share meals and spend time with friends old and new. We'll see you there!