

Game Chef Review: Monsters of Glam
Monsters of Glam by Matthew Sullivan-Barrett Documenting the last tour of a rock megaband, Monsters of Glam is an awesome ride through the world of rock stardom. From the creation of your band's album to the last show you play...
Game Chef Review: Rage, Rage by David...
Rage, Rage by David Miessler-Kubanek Rage, Rage is a game about the "last chance for hope in the face of futility and madness," and the game delivers by using a variety of fears, hopes, and madness-inspired mechanics to draw out...
Game Chef Review: Kobold Engineer by ...
Kobold Engineer by Laura Simpson The central idea for Kobold Engineer rocks. In it, you play a lowly Kobold who wants to climb the dungeon management ladder by serving his master, Coyote. Coyote, of course, wants the Kobolds to prove...
Game Chef Review: Into the Void by Ki...
Into the Void by Kira Scott Into the Void employs some great, simple mechanics to tell the story of a doomed crew on a mission to save Earth from catastrophe. Each player manages a collection of traits to forestall madness,...
Game Chef 2012: Magpie Games Review A...
Now that we've finished with the submission process for Game Chef 2012, it's time to get reviewing. As in past years, each person who submits a game to Game Chef reviews four of the other games and select one to...
Game Chef 2011: Magpie Games Reviews ...
As part of Game Chef 2011, Magpie Games is reviewing a few of the other entries and recommending one go on to the "Final Round." Our entry, The Play's The Thing is also under review and we hope to post...
Game Chef 2011: Magpie Games' Submiss...
We did it! Despite the short turnaround time (7 days!) and the even shorter word count (3,000 words!), Magpie Games officially submitted our Game Chef 2011 entry, The Play's The Thing. Mark Truman burned the midnight oil all week, and...