Certain products are only stocked in the US warehouse and will ship directly from the US.
Due to logistical reasons, we are currently not shipping to the following regions: Africa, South America, Middle East, Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan), Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus).
Domestic orders can be expected to ship within 5- 7 business days*.
International orders can be expected to ship in around 7- 10 business days*, depending on the region.
**All shipping times are based on best estimates. We do our best to adhere to these timelines whenever possible. If you have not received your shipping confirmation after 10 business days, please contact us at info@magpiegames.com for assistance.**
All preorders will list their estimated shipping dates on the preorder page. Any non-preorder items ordered with a preorder (including bundles and digital products) will be shipped with the preordered items whenever they are fulfilled.
If you would like to receive your non-preorder items ahead of your preordered items, please place a separate order.
If you have accidentally submitted your order with an incorrect address, please click here, and we will do our best to assist you.
While we do our best to process address changes as quickly as possible, we cannot guarantee that changes will be applied before your order ships.
We are not responsible for packages that are incorrectly delivered or returned to us. The cost associated with replacement orders for incorrect addresses will be the sole responsibility of the customer.
Orders cannot be canceled once checkout has completed.
We work hard to fill orders as quickly as possible, so please be sure that all order details are correct at the time of your purchase.
We strongly recommend double checking your address and order details before completing your checkout.
All additional taxes, customs fees, and other expenses incurred in transporting products to the customer will be the sole responsibility of the customer.
If you are ordering from our online store, tax and shipping will be calculated at checkout. Additional customs or taxes may be charged depending on your region.
If you are backing a Kickstarter project, your tax and shipping will be calculated once you have filled out your backer survey for shipping.
Please inspect your order upon delivery. If an item is defective or damaged, you can file a claim here.
We will accept damaged item claims up to 7 calendar days following the successful delivery of your package.
Domestic orders will be entitled to either one replacement shipment or one refund of the damaged item(s).
International orders will be entitled to one replacement shipment or one refund of the damaged item(s). International replacement orders may be subject to reshipping fees. Any taxes incurred on replacement orders will be the sole responsibility of the customer.
Please inspect your order upon delivery. If an item is missing or you received an incorrect item, you can file a claim here.
We will accept missing item claims up to 7 calendar days following the successful delivery of your package.
Domestic will be entitled to either one replacement shipment or one refund of your missing item.
International orders will be entitled to one replacement shipment or one refund of the missing item(s). International replacement orders may be subject to reshipping fees. Any taxes incurred on replacement orders will be the sole responsibility of the customer.
Your order may be considered "Lost in Transit" if:
We will accept Lost in Transit claims up to 10 calendar days after the last tracking update. To file a claim, click here.
If the tracking information has marked your order as Delivered, you are not eligible for a claim and must instead file a claim with the postal service.
If your order is deemed lost, you may be eligible for either one replacement shipment or one refund.
International replacement orders may be subject to reshipping fees. Any taxes incurred on replacement orders will be the sole responsibility of the customer.
Only orders that are marked “Returned to Sender” will be considered as such under these policies.
Customers whose products are “Returned to Sender” will be evaluated upon receipt at the warehouse. Once deemed eligible, we will offer one reshipment or a refund.
Depending on why the order was marked Returned to Sender, the following may apply:
Customers who purchase Premium Protection Insurance are entitled to the following benefits:
We will accept claims on Kickstarters for up to one full year after shipping began. This date is calculated off of the first day we began shipping out Kickstarter orders. If you have a problem with your Kickstarter order, please refer to our policies above to determine when you should reach out about the issue.
Any Kickstarters that issued coupons to be used in our webstore will be honored up to a year after being sent to backers.
Refunds are subject to approval. We allow refunds for damages, missing/incorrect items, or other exceptions as determined by the Magpie Customer Service Team.
If a refund is approved, the following policies will be applied: (list bullet points)
To request a refund please contact us at info@magpiegames.com.