
New at Gencon
With Gen Con right around the corner, we wanted to tell you about all the things that we’ve been doing in the past year. We’ve been busy and have a bunch of new products that we’re so excited to share...
Games at GenCon 2018
The day is drawing near! We are so excited to all of you at Gen Con in August. We’ve been busy getting ready for all of the things that we have to share with you and so we have a...
Happy Holidays from Magpie Games!
The holidays are a comin’, and we’re getting ready to hibernate in our magpie ice caverns before the terrible yellow-breasted grackle comes hunting for us. (We have at best a tenuous grasp on actual ecology concerning magpies.) But before we...
RinCon 2017 Recap
Mark and Brendan went out to RinCon 2017 between September 29 and October 1, and they had an awesome experience meeting people, playing games, and fighting gazebos! RinCon is in Tucson, Arizona, and features a combination of board games and...
The Cartel Ashcan Arrives At GenCon!
¡Hola, amigos! Magpie Games is proud to announce the release of Cartel: Ashcan Edition at GenCon 2015. This 48-page rulebook contains everything you need to run sessions of Cartel, including setting information, playbooks, and MC advice! If you're at GenCon,...