New Magpies: Sarah Saltiel & Miguel Angel Espinoza
In the midst of working on Masks: A New Generation, Bluebeard’s Bride, Epyllion, Urban Shadows, Cartel, Zombie World, and more...we here at Magpie HQ have had the honor and the privilege to welcome two new members onto our team for a time. We’d love to take this opportunity to talk about these new Magpies and how awesome they are!
Sarah “Sam” Saltiel has been working with us as part of a paid summer internship for the past couple months. She is a published fiction writer, poet, and transmedia artist finishing up her undergraduate degree at the University of Chicago. She spends the rest of her time dancing, begging her friends to playtest her games, and acting in subservience to her cat, Ophelia. In the next year she hopes to incorporate a tabletop rpg into an interactive art installation for one of her thesis projects.
With Magpie, Sam has undertaken important tasks ranging from assisting with the organization of our Gen Con game room to putting together a first draft of her own RPG, about aliens in the ‘50’s hiding in suburban America. (She hopes to complete a full ashcan edition of her game in the coming year.) Sam has been a tremendous help to Magpie during her time here, and we’re so grateful for all her hard work.
You can find Sam’s work on her professional facebook page: Sarah Saltiel, or on her instagram: s_saltiel.
Miguel Angel Espinoza is a Mexican professional graphic designer, illustrator, and programmer. Miguel is no newcomer to Magpie Games projects, having provided his expert layout and design on many of our projects, including Bluebeard’s Bride and Cartel. But Miguel is now working with Magpie Games on a full-time basis for a design fellowship. Miguel has been helping us on projects like Zombie World and in our preparation for Gen Con.
Miguel has been playing roleplaying games since the mid 90’s, and in recent years he started to work on them professionally. He’s done graphic design work for Magpie Games, Gallant Knight Games, Nocturnal Media and John Wick Presents. He’s currently working on his first game design project, Nahual, a Mexican role-playing game about Nahuales, both in English and Spanish at the same time (aimed for Kickstarter in the fall of 2018). His cat’s name is Rothko.
You can find Miguel on Twitter @nahualrpg
Both Miguel and Sam have been amazing members of the Magpie Team, and have helped out with so many of our projects! We’ve been grateful to have them on board, and hope you welcome them and give them the credit and attention they richly deserve!
The Intern