DEEP DISCOUNTS*November 25th, 12 AM ET - December 1st, 11:59 PM ET For the final week of our Black Friday/Cyber Monday month, we're offering storewide savings of up to 80% off select products. This is your last chance to take...
NEW Exclusive Bundles and 10% off Existing Bundles*November 18th, 12 AM ET - November 24th, 11:59 PM ET Coming up next is our third week-long sale of the Black Friday/Cyber Monday month: NEW exclusive bundles and 10% off existing bundles!...
40% off Supplements and Expansions*November 11th, 12 AM ET - November 17th, 11:59 PM ET Our second week-long sale of the Black Friday/Cyber Monday month: get 40% off select supplements and expansions! Expand your gaming experience with new adventures, character...
Get the Avatar Legends Starter Set at 40% Off! Today Only! Hello Team Avatar!Are you ready to master the Four Elements and bring the Avatarverse to your table? Now is your chance—the Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game Starter Set is...
Become a fellow corvid and join the flock, an amazing group of community GMs running Magpie Games games at conventions, community events, and FLGS! Connect with your fellow games enthusiasts, get access to support, and amazing rewards for doing what you love:...
Magpie Games will release Uncle Iroh’s Adventure Guide in September 2024 – a collection of adventures and custom mechanics focused on Jasmine Island, the legendary home of a special type of jasmine tea beloved by Uncle Iroh from Nickelodeon’s Avatar:...
Happy New Year, gamers! We’re excited to be back in the office at Magpie Games HQ and have been plotting our 2024 goals! While ours are focused on making games, we have been pondering what we want to do as...
(On Netflix, the scene starts at around 29:50 in “The Secret of the Fire Nation,” the combined two-parter that includes the aired episodes “The Serpent’s Pass” and “The Drill.” The scene in question occurs in S2 E13 of the aired...
The winter holidays are fast approaching! I don't know about you, but they seem to me like a great opportunity to try a cool tabletop RPG with your friends and loved ones! Here are five game recommendations (and some adventure...
Happy holidays, gamers! With the winter holidays right around the corner, here are our recommended order-by deadlines to receive your game before December 24, 2023*. Region Order By Domestic (US Only) 12/12/23 Canada 12/12/23 Europe 12/4/23 Australia/New Zealand 12/4/23 Thank...
Rapscallion is a daring pirate fantasy game filled with swashbuckling and frightening sea magic that takes the players and GM on a wild ride through the World of Law and the vast Great Sea. For some GMs—especially new ones to...
In Legend of Korra, Season 4, Episode 7, Mako, Korra, and Asami reunite in a restaurant after years apart…and Mako brings Prince Wu, whom he is supposed to be protecting. During the reunion, Korra confesses that she wrote letters to...
Hello future Scare Masters! If you want to learn how to terrify your friends, horrify your peers, and give cold shivers to the casual acquaintances that you sometimes play TTRPGs with then I have some wonderful news for you, check the title reader, this article is going to help you do all of those things and more.