We hope you're having a great Valentine's Day! Marissa and I are celebrating with cupcakes, and some exciting production notes for The Play's The Thing...
First, we've got a special announcement about the design for the book. We are extremely lucky to have landed Daniel Solis,
the awesome writer and designer of books like Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple and Happy Birthday, Robot, as our graphic designer for the project. Marissa and I really admire all of Daniel's work and we're so thrilled to have him.
At this point, we're almost done with the PDF version of the book. Check out our PDF Sampler for some quick samples of pieces of the book. Daniel's done a great job incorporating Marissa's art and has also found some cubist images that we think are a great addition. Let us know what you think!
PDF Sampler of The Play's The Thing:
The Actors
As we get ready to send the book off to the printers (this month!), we are also getting in stickers and prints. Check out these images of stickers that are heading out to our backers soon!