GenCon Round-up
GenCon is this week, and we’ll be there running games and standing in the IGDN booth in the exhibition hall. We’re all excited to be there!
We’re bringing a bunch of the awesome books we’ve made, including Urban Shadows, all three Chaos Worlds, the newly printed Epyllion, and a brand new game—Velvet Glove!
We’ve also got a bunch of games on schedule, including Wicked Fate, Epyllion, Urban Shadows, Masks, and Velvet Glove!
We’re going to have copies of Velvet Glove: Notebook Edition at our booth on the Exhibition Floor (booth 2311). Velvet Glove is Sarah Richardson’s new game about girl gangs in the ‘70’s. This isn’t the final version of the game, certainly, but it gives you a good idea of where it’s headed and what it’s trying to do. Here’s a bit from the intro about the game:
Velvet Glove is the 1970s that didn’t get shown in trendy pop culture—stories about the lives of lower class girls caught up in gang violence in inner city neighborhoods. They wore bellbottoms and listened to funk or disco, but they saw their brothers, fathers, and lovers get caught up in the newly declared “War on Drugs”. Their mothers were too busy working multiple jobs to worry about Henry Fonda’s latest needlepoint design or serving the salad course at the correct time, and their sisters either worked their own set of jobs, or got an early start on their own families. The girls may have joined marches for civil rights and listened to lectures on second-wave feminism, but many lived through the intersection of race and gender without a college course, their lives played out over the background of their own sexual coming-of-age and through the noise of their poverty.
That doesn’t mean their lives were boring. On the contrary, Velvet Glove takes a page from exploitation movies like Faster, Pussycat Kill! Kill! or Switchblade Sisters, exciting films in which gangland drama meets feminine wiles. Velvet Glove is all about the crimes these girls pull off, the tensions between gang members, and the struggle against the Man. In the end, these girls are just people, as confused about love, sex, and what they want out of life as any other teenager. They just get to wear gang colors and do drugs while trying to figure out where life is taking them.
You can pick up a copy of the Notebook Edition for $10 at our booth.