Fight, Party, and Save the World with Brendan!

In a world where there’ve been tons of superheroes before you, you’ve got a lot of pressure on you. Who do you want to be? Can you live up to the expectations? Are you going to be able to stop Carnivore in time? Can you kiss your crush—preferably, while they’re not shape-shifted into a wolf? Masks is a game all about young heroes in Halcyon City, doing their thing and figuring out who they are. Come and play to tell stories of your very own young superhero team.
Brendan will also be running Wicked Fate: Cities and Monsters Sunday at 10:00 am.You think adventuring is hard? Try living in a city in Estevere, chock full of roddun and humans, a few elves and angry orks, lucky gobowins and packs of gnolls, the secret kuba-chubisi dragon-blooded shapeshifters, and more. Wicked Fate is the Fate conversion of Wicked Fantasy, John Wick’s innovative fantasy game. It’s set in a world with ten distinct, interesting, and complicated peoples; a world of harsh realities and great heroes. It features new mechanics to make the peoples of Estevere come alive in Fate.
But for the full young superhero experience, check out Brendan’s Masks: Fight, Party, Save the World mini-campaign. These sessions are linked, so you can watch your character grown over the course of all three.In a world where there’ve been tons of superheroes before you, you’ve got a lot of pressure on you. Who do you want to be? Can you live up to the expectations? Are you going to be able to stop Dr. Isotope in time? Can you kiss your crush—preferably, while they’re not aflame with atomic power? Masks is a game all about young heroes in Halcyon City, doing their thing and figuring out who they are.
Did you miss the Masks Kickstarter? You can still pre-order books, dice, and even the comic here: