Sharang Biswas
Sharang Biswas is an award-winning game designer, game writer, and artist, with a particular focus on narrative and how procedure can convey meaning. He has literally been GMing since the third grade (he used to narrate story games for his school friends on the bus route home) and likes to think of himself as a flexible DM. His roleplaying games include the IGDN and IndieCade award-winning Feast, the IGDN award-winning Verdure, the IGDN award-nominated An Elegy from the Hive Witches, and the IndieCade-nominated Honey & Hot Wax: An Anthology of Erotic Art Games (as co-editor). He has written for games such as D&D Live, Spire: The City Must Fall, Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall, and One Child’s Heart. It is his opinion that chilled chocolate milk is the zenith of the Anthropocene.