We have some awesome announcements for
the Fate Codex!
We're putting together a printed, collected edition of Volume 1 of the Fate Codex. This will include every article from our first year, along with all the art pieces, in a 6"x9", 300 page black and white softcover book! You can get all 7 issues of our first year, at once, in an easy to use physical form that looks great alongside your other Fate books.
What's more, all patrons of our Fate Codex Patreon will get 15% off the Anthology Print+PDF preorders, as long as you order before July 1st, 2015. For anyone who's more interested in digital editions, we've got a similar 25% discount for patrons to get the first volume digitally from DriveThruRPG.
Volume One isn't getting all the attention, either. We've put digital copies of the first three issues of Volume Two of the Fate Codex at 25% off from DriveThruRPG for all patrons.
And until July 1st, we're running a patron drive for our
Fate Codex Patreon! Anyone who backs the Patreon right up until July 1st will get those discounts, too! If we can get all the way to $1750 total pledged on Patreon per issue, then we'll unlock more systems pieces for each upcoming issue of the Fate Codex!
For those interested in talking about the Fate Codex more, we've also started a new
G+ Community devoted to the Codex. Here, patrons will be able to discuss the articles and essays of the Fate Codex, and we'll release previews of upcoming issues.
The more people who support the Fate Codex, the better we can make it! Thanks to everyone who's supported us so far and made these past 18 months of the Fate Codex possible. Here's to still more issues to come!