The Fate Codex - Volume 1, Issue 1
Hello all!
Thanks to the all the great patrons for the Fate Codex Patreon campaign, we released the first issue of The Fate Codex yesterday. I was hoping that we would release at least a six to seven page PDF when I launched this campaign... and we ended up with a fifty page PDF thanks to the support of our backers!
The Fate Codex is a mostly-monthly e-zine featuring Quick Start Adventures and more for the Fate roleplaying system. The project, funded through Patreon, grows and swells as more patrons support our work. We've been lucky to have lots of folks pledge.
We've also been lucky enough to feature some really great artists, including our own Marissa Kelly, Tom Miskey, and Juan Ochoa. There's some great work in this piece and over 10,000 words of awesome Fate content, ready to be thrown into your next game of Fate.
In this first issue, we've got:

- Lenny Balsera's take on Collaborative World Building
- Brian Engard's new system for handling Ammo in Fate
- Brie Sheldon's cyberpunk short story, Life Locked
- Mark Diaz Truman's quick start adventure, Silicon City