Had a Blast at RinCon 2013

It was an honor to be invited back to RinCon for a second year.

I was so happy to see that attendance had gone up as well! The RinCon staff are some of the nicest people evAR and it is wonderful to see all of their hard work pay off. Thursday night Mark and I flew in from Boston and were able to catch up with Ro and John Wick over a nice dinner before being swept up by the convention. Friday we eased into the con with a test run of the Artimus bridge simulation game, a RPG design panel, and the first session of the Eternity LongCon. And the food run for BKs late night Hotdogs and Taco tradition held true. The staff was so welcoming! We found welcoming gaming snack packs with signed cards attached. <3 Talk about hospitality! Saturday We had our big day that started with the Inclusiveness in Gaming Panel, followed by the GM’s conference where we ran the Story Games Dundgeon. We grabbed a bite to eat, ran the Second installment of the Eternity LongCon, sat on the Beyond Kickstarter panel, had dinner and Mark ran a late night session of the new Firefly RPG for some of the RinCon night owls… The panels were well attended and there were some great discussions going on! The Eternity LongCon changed up some of its players and experimented a bit with how to make that work with a LongCon format. Sunday morning we jumped out of bed to run Firefly and Epyllion, ran back to the room to pack our bags, and came back to play out the final chapter of the Eternity LongCon, and concluded our lovely time at RinCon. The playtest of Epyllion went well and players had some good feedback! It was sad to wrap up the stories in Eternity, but there were some epic outcomes. photo As always, the staff and organizers of RinCon were gracious, friendly, and helpful. We had a wonderful time and can’t wait to come back again next year! Keep an eye out for a summery of some "actual play" that happened in our upcoming posts.