Mark Diaz Truman will be doing an AMA on Reddit this Thursday, March 22nd, at 11 am EST, for our latest
Kickstarter, Cartel. He'll be answering questions about game design, anti-racist organizing, and (of course)
Stop by with all your questions! We'll be live tweeting the best ones, and we're sure it's going to be a wild ride. :D You do have to have a Reddit account to post, but
signing up is quick and easy.

You can check out what it's like to talk to Mark by listening to the
Misdirected Mark podcast he did last night here:
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/241032804##. In addition to talking about
Cartel and Mark's design process, the guys also talked about ¿Plata o Plomo?, or non-heroic RPGs. Check it out, and then head over to Reddit tomorrow for more Q and A!