In a village on the edge of nowhere and everywhere lived a woman with good breeding but little money.
She lived in a small cottage covered in roses in the summer, along with her two daughters. The elder daughter was fair to behold, with black hair and dark skin, but she had few suitors; the men in their village were put off by her curiosity.
Check out Bluebeard's Bride: Book of Lore here!

Book of Lore is a fiction supplement for
Bluebeard’s Bride, a tabletop role playing game where you and your friends explore Bluebeard’s home as the Bride, creating your own beautifully tragic version of the classic dark fairy tale.
Book of Lore tells the tale of the Bride across 98 pages, adorned with the nightmarish and hallucinogenic images she faces in her journey through the mansion. But this tome doesn’t let one read in safety—no, it bloodies the hands of its reader, demanding they choose the terrible fate that befalls the newest bride. When you read this book, you will experience our retelling of the fairy tale
Bluebeard, and at the end, choose whether the bride opens that fateful door. Will you be disloyal? Faithful? Or curious? Choose wisely...
Bluebeard’s Bride is based on the Powered by the Apocalypse system used in
Apocalypse World, Monsterhearts, Urban Shadows, and more.
Bluebeard’s Bride produces adult feminine horror fiction like
Crimson Peak, American Horror Story, or
The Company of Wolves, making it fun for horror fans and dark fairy tale fans alike.
Get it here: