Anita Wiebe

Pronouns: She/They

Twitter: @Pahnita

Curated Play Program GM

Anita is a TTRPG streamer, graphic designer and cat mom about the space. She is the founder of Critical Misses, a community devoted to inclusion and telling unique stories through roleplay.

A lifelong creative, Anita describes themselves as a storyteller first and foremost. While often described as bringing a sense of whimsy and wonder to games they run, she is equally adept at cutting through moments of sweetness with terror or poignant character moments.

Game Schedule

Safety Tools


Anita uses the following tools in his games:

  • Lines and Veils
  • The X/N/O System

If you are not familiar with the safety tools, more information on lines and veils is available here, while more information about the x card is available here.